Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wavewalk Hits the Neshaminy Creek

Cydney dropped me off at the Castle Valley Park 7:30 for my first outing on the Neshaminy with the W kayak. I plotted out a 2 1/2 mile drift to the Bridge Valley Park where she would pick me up at 2:30.,DKUS:2006-36,DKUS:en&q=castle+valley+pa

Used a set of steps as a launch access-- it was a magnificent morning- 75 or so, much cooler than it has been.

Around every bend it was just beautiful-- accessing the sections of the creek which few see, the fishing was good, but i spent most of the time getting used to the drift-- steering , hopping out to pull through shallows, avoiding rocks (the rocks are in FRONT of the ripple in the water).

Saw hawks, deer, huge gray owl chased by blackbirds, two swans, and no people until i landed at 2:30! large turtles, scads of bass, sunnies, carp... everything was beautiful. Actually got back to a place-- Deep Ford-- which has been off limits for 50 years from shore, went there with my dad when I was seven!

Quite a day- caught couple dozen fish, got comfortable in the W, felt like I had the whole creek to myself...... sweet!

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RoughTexas said...

This looks like a fantastic day. Very serene. I hope you enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

Hi Ben!

I found your blog after perusing the W kayak website. I've been looking for a fishing kayak to use on the small lakes and bayous near me here in Arkansas. I like the concept of the W.

I noticed in the write ups that you flyfish for carp. We have HUGE carp down here and they are always splashing on the surface. Most locals tell me they are playing or "shaking their eggs loose". I suspect they are feeding, but on what? I am really curious what you use for a fly when flyfishing them. Would you be so kind as to advise me?
