Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crater of diamonds

Brothers John and Bill, and friend John Paxson enjoyed a great trip to Murfreesboro Arkansas to hunt for diamonds in Crater of Diamonds State Park, and to fish Lake Greeson for crappies. The trip was a novel christmas present from John to me, and John made all the arrangements.

John P. purchased and used his magic cast iron pan to keep us well-fed, we caught a mess of crappies with Capt. Jerry and first mate Owen, and Bill kept all-night vigils for tornados! No-- no diamonds were found on this trip, although we suspected that Bill was hiding some in his shoes, rather than have to share them!

Picture album at:


Favorite meal-- 1 1/2 pound t-bones with mushrooms and onions, bought by John, cooked by Paxson!

Thanks John!

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