Friday, July 11, 2008

Wine, wine, Wineberries!

Morning runs are special this time of year-- at 2.1 miles there is a large patch of wine berries, and i grab a dozen to enjoy on the last mile. They are a special combination of sweet and tart.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brick Oven Lunches- #3 in the books!

We had our third Brick Oven Pizza lunch on Wednesday-- 10 visitors, 12 pizzas and 4 stromboli-- big hit, a great time and very well received! Everyone got along famously! I'm trying to make it a regular thing when I'm home this summer to have a weekly lunch.
Note the serious discussion of world events above after consuming the pizzas-- some heavy duty thinking going on!
Attendees included Judi Bayer from Worth & Co., Don Billingsley, Gene Levin, Larry Sternthal (I'm told his reunion story was a real hit), Ray Thibodeau , Greg, Don Geary,Carl Mangione and Peter Rotelle.

The evite system seems to work pretty good for the invitations-

so far over 30 people have come for lunch, and 50 + for dinners! Next up Saturday night for 12 or so!

I thoroughly enjoy the oven, baking pizzas and bread, from building it to watching people chew!!!!